Nilah plak En Hafiz mengayakan topi koboi....Topi kami dpt masa P, Aman, DND & MD g Konvensyen di Terengganu last saturday yg dianjurkan oleh leader2 pantai tema mlm tuh kenelah berpakaian mcm tuh...Ada macam hero cite kat TV tuh x? Ape tajuk cite tuh yer??? X ingat plak.... :)
Effa MG Journal. Life as a WIFE and IBU is more ADVENTURE! Not imposibble if we can live better then previous time...TRUST ME! This is my journal. The real story about myself WAN EFFALIZA, my lovely hubby, MUHAMAD HAFIZ and my little son, MUHAMMAD IZZUL ISLAM. Almost everything i sharing in this BLOG...
21 July, 2008
saje jer...
title atas tuh just abaikan jer...x tahu nk letak title ape...Pas abis keje aku bosan sgt aku pun saje gatal2 berposing ngn topi koboi...topi tuh our CEO bg pada our boss....cenderahati. Bagi P die x nak, so bagilah pada my boss sajer je nk melaram....Amcm ada mcm minah KOBOI x ? hiihhiiiii.....Sajer posing2.